Monday, April 6, 2015

In response to yet another Jennifer Rubin hit piece on Sen. Rand Paul

Don't you have something better to do than write articles all day bashing on Rand Paul? Why don't you spend your time bashing Hillary Clinton? Or why not be a respectable journalist and break stories that actually mean something to the world? They must pay you a lot to continue churning out this garbage propaganda slander clickbait with such consistency.

Here's my article about you and your writing:

Jennifer Rubin is a middle-aged blogger whose self-important "writing" on the current state of political affairs is often biased by her washed-up neoconservative views. She is just another overzealous Republican with a not-so-secret desire to bomb the Middle East and she will attack any Republican who doesn't share her wishes. Although as a young adult she hoped she would become a meaningful journalist someday that would break stories and write compelling political op-ed's backed up by facts, she has instead become just another Republican propagandist that spews out hate on a daily basis and almost always relies on her personal feelings about a candidate instead of facts." I'd love to speak with you more about this and interview you for my blog and get to the bottom of what exactly it means to be a neoconservative shill.

This was originally posted as a comment to the story but the Washington Post censored my comment.

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